Why Most Small Business Marketing Automation Experts Get it Wrong

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You, the small business marketing automation expert, are wrong.  There – I said it. Sorry, but it’s the truth and I’m not going to take it back.

You are wrong because you don’t understand that it’s not about automated sales. Do you know what it’s truly about?


Your goal should be to provide freedom for your client to enjoy their business and to stand at the front of the ship as its captain and lead.

Your client should be free to see their team enjoying every minute of their day and to not have to wonder each time a customer calls if they are going to be able to deliver amazing service.

Your client should have the peace of mind that when a new lead is brought into the fold of the business, they are taken care of, and will be given a “million-dollar customer” experience for months without any direct intervention from the business owner.

Yes… marketing automation expert… you don’t automate business processes… you deliver a dream business to your client.

How do you do this?  You do it, not by implementing the latest new-fangled software and slapping a few sequences together. No no…  You do it by delivering the EXACT experience that your client originally envisioned their customers would receive.

You see, small business marketing automation expert, you sound nice, but you don’t deliver on your promises.  Your prices say that you create a lifestyle for the business owner that hired you, but what you deliver is more of the same old patching of leaky holes that every other marketer does.

Next time, don’t focus on the software, focus on the organization.  Don’t think that creating an SMS campaign or direct mail marketing automation campaign is the answer.

Next time, focus on the entire business to include the people, the procedures, the vendors, customers, contractors, business partners, investors, and the owners.

Oh, did you forget there were more people that were involved in the business?  Yeah, I had a feeling.

Marketing Automation is Not About Automating Things

Your job is to deliver freedom and happiness to everyone in involved and to build the vision of the owner. Make sure you know how to do that.