Technology is Not the Way to Automate Small Business Processes

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Marketing and business automation is becoming more and more popular these days, and there are exciting times ahead for small business owners to automate small business processes that only the big guys could do a decade ago.  Unfortunately, though, the discussion about automation usually focuses on one thing – technology.

In this article you’ll see why technology is not the answer to everyone’s problems and desires when it comes to automation.  On the contrary, it’s the people in your organization that are the most powerful factor if you want to automate small business processes.

To automate small business procedures and processes you need human connections

Don’t get me wrong, the technology we have access to today is amazing.  I use Infusionsoft to handle 90% of my business and marketing needs while I am off galavanting around town having a good time meeting new people.


I have yet to find software that can infer human thought and interaction.

It doesn’t matter if I bought 50 new software tools, there is always going to be some kind of human interaction needed within the entire systematic process in order for there to be a perfect workflow.

This is why over and over you’ll hear me stress about the importance of having a handbook of procedures for your organization. All of your tools MUST connect with a human at some point in time in order for there to be clarity, personalization, and completeness.  It’s the only way to truly automate small business.


Here’s an example of what I mean.  Say you are a real estate agent and all you have at your disposal is your automation software and an administrative assistant that also supports other agents.

You could rely solely on your automation software to handle the sales process, you get on the phone with the customer, plan times to look at houses, confirm those times, and meet with the customer. Then when it comes time for the customer to put an offer on the house you add all of your customer’s information to the documentation, send an email to the customer to have them sign the documents, send the documents to the escrow company, communicate with the other agent, yadda, yadda, yadda….

You get my drift…

On the other hand, you could create a set of working procedures that connect your group administrative assistant to the entire process.

Let’s see if this sounds better…

You automate small business sales and lead generation with your software, your software determines if you should email or call your prospect based on how hot they are.  You meet with the prospect and look at houses, and they love one of them.

Time to do the offer documentation….  You press a button in your automation software that sends an email that says “Please start section 6.2 of my handbook with client Joe Smith” to your group assistant AND sends an email to your prospect letting them know your assistant will contact them.

Your group assistant does all of the documentation, contacts the escrow company, contacts the other agent, send the customer the documentation and let’s you know it’s your court now.

Hours of administrative work for you, turns into a few minutes.

Don’t downplay human connections in your overall business vision

Software is not the be all and end all of  making your business a dream business.  You have to automate small business tasks with human connections in order to truly live the lifestyle that you want.  Without those connections you will be constantly sucked back into tasks that you shouldn’t be doing and that keep you from living the life of your dreams.